21 in the December!

So, at last, I’m also 21 Years Old. And also the best Birthday I’ve ever felt before. Time is passing too fast and just thought it was like yesterday. oTL . . .

Thanks my Mom for gave birth to me, and for help and care to me since Today! Without you, I can be the useless noob now. Without your encouragement, I’ll be lonely in the darkness. Love You, Mom! ❤

Well, . . . today, I have a lot of happy times, chit/chat with Friends, played Games together, and also goes to “Shwedagon Pagoda”, too. The last time, I was in “Shwedagon” is in last my Birthday. Yes, that’s me, LOL.

Thanks to Su Myat ( Misaki ), I’ve got a lots of Birthday Presents. But, this one is my favorite!!!!

[![Drawing of Rina by Misaki](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/522625_4763077672114_1805031110_n.jpg "Drawing of Rina by Misaki")](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4763077672114&set=a.1600189881896.2081650.1150514472&type=1&relevant_count=1)
Drawing of Rina by Misaki
I wished, to have Rina’s portraits from her this morning, and I was shocked!!! when I saw it glance, and also happy. May be I am the most happiest man around the living creatures within the whole world. Finally I’m start believing in Miracles… haha..

But, what was in that blue box?

[![Miku[s] from the box](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/558974_4763077832118_44630993_n.jpg "Miku[s] from the box")](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4763077832118&set=a.1600189881896.2081650.1150514472&type=1&relevant_count=1)
Miku[s] from the box
OMG!!!!! Miku[s] are hiding inside that box and SURPRISED me!!! I just thought it was a Cup, but when I opened it, they smiled at me!! Waaaa!!!!!! I’m out of control now!!! >.<

Hehe, did I spent too much time only on that presents? Then, Gomen!!1

I don’t know why, but when I arrived to “Shwedagon Pagoda”, I feel calm and peace. May be the Buddha’s shelter can remove that shitty Ego, Pride, Money, .. blah blah blah. Even if you are a President of United States, you must remove your shoes, or footwear. Oops.. topic changed to Oburma. lolss

. . . well, thanks all of my friends for your all wishes, and without you, I will be totally a Forever Alone. Please forgive me, if I’ve said something terrible to you guys, and even if I did, it didn’t meant to hurt you. It’s already 11:45 and lemme close this now.

~ Oyasumi ~

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